Creating or Reviewing your Will.

09 Sep 2020

Did you know that around 50% of Australians die without a will?

It's quite an alarming statistic!

This can create a whole range of complications for family and can also deny you the chance to leave a legacy to a cause that may be important to you, or a gift to people who have been a major part of your life.

People are encouraged to review their wills regularly as circumstances often change.

We all know that our region's community is very strong and supportive of it's own and of its local causes so, in creating or reviewing your will, we encourage you to ask a few questions.

In addition to leaving a bequest to loved ones, would you consider supporting a charitable cause?

If your answer is yes, you should also ask yourself whether you would consider a local cause and there are many worthy causes in Geelong to consider.

In leaving a bequest to the Barwon Health Foundation, you have the opportunity to give the gift of good health and can contribute to provide amazing care .. and even save lives.

It doesn't matter how large or small. Every gift makes a difference.

Several prominent Geelong lawyers have offered their services to provide free wills (or amendments to existing wills) to those that have decided to leave a gift to the Barwon Health Foundation

If you'd like more information on getting your will done, or the impact your gift could make, please contact Francis Trainor on 4215 8919 or email
